Even when it feels like the world is upside down keep standing tall!!! A series of paintings I worked on, on the day that marked a full year after the loss of my dad. The series was heavily inspired by the journey I had undergone over the course of the year. The paintings depict how one how one should always keep their head up and stand tall, no matter the challenges that one might be facing at the time. Life is full of challenging times along its journey, they often leave one drained with no leg to stand on, but in all that one needs to find a way to keep their head up. The series is composed of a variety of techniques that I learned throughout the year. The reason behind the paintings being enigmatic, is to allow the audience the opportunity to relate the paintings, not only to challenges that one faces during grief, but challenges that rise from different situations that one might be coming across or those that may come in the foreseeable future on this journey of life.